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Just in case it escaped you the first time around: it all adds up. When an investigation goes on for four years, the target sues the government, and obtains a hefty settlement (including a reimbursement of his court costs and an apology), it's time to call it a day, and not let it drag on for another six years. Mother of God, how hard is it to realise that you're kicking a classifica bleeding demised horse? What's worse about classifica the comment is that, just like a DPRK press release, it goes on: For example, a single Apache Longbow helicopter runs about $20 million USD. A C-130 transport runs about $40 million, and an Abrams tank about $3 million. So unless that court case cost about $63 million, you [sic] logic is somewhat goofy. No Steeeeeeeeeve, me schtoooooooooooooooooooopid, me logic goofy! I never would have bloody guessed that a helicopter might cost that much; I have spent my twenty-five years on this miserable speck of cosmic dust operating under the impression that you got one in every three boxes of mother-fucking Cheerios, you twit.