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They say the test is really easy and I can start working as soon as I receive it. I really need to work and will try and pick up some part-time per diem work, perhaps in a long-term care facility confess or anything else available. And then when I finish school. I'll take the RN as well. This LPN board should be good practice for what's coming on the RN board later on. More as confess news warrants. Technorati : license LPN nurse nursing Comments (2) | Permanent Link | Cosmos The best laid plans... by Matt on February 21, 2006 06:17AM (EST) We were going to head home for this long holiday weekend and check on my stepfather who's still recovering from CABG ("cabbage") surgery - coronory artery bypass graft surgery - better known in the vernacular as "single-bypass, double-pass surgery, etc.).