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In fact, I think I had one too many cocktails with a few of them at atmosphere one on one the last karaoke bar on 32nd street we went atmosphere one on one to. Comments (1) | Permanent Link | Cosmos Eclectic doesn't even begin to describe it by Matt on February 28, 2006 04:50PM (EST) I have the strangest mix of stuff on my MP3 player right now. I was just reviewing the playlist - i use one atmosphere one on one giant one - and it's a weird amalgam of things. For starters, there's James Blunt's entire album, Back to Bedlam. I realize I'm seriously behind the ball and that's he's had his 15 minutes already but I'm seriously enamored of him. His voice makes me tear up on the train - plenty embarrassing. And I want to have sex on the spot - with him. Kidding. I kid! Then there's Paul's podcast. I found him on a search through iTunes, of Vancouver-related podcasts. He has this seriously born-to-broadcast voice. Thought I was listening to BBC Radio One the first time I heard him.