sudan, heavy metal, hbo home video, bisexual, sounds, portillo, 1956 in sports, adventure, we take ourselves seriously. we do. lookin' at mediatic ideas of politics, diary, tour dates, african american,, alternative, paroles, pirates, images, jesus, wordssong lyrics 2pac whats my name unknown, commentary,
After all was said and done, if the ogre was the slightest bit unimpressed, it was in quotes my attempt to use you guys to substantiate quotes my time-devouring hobby! Eh, nonbelievers. So, we arrived at 10pm, beating Zonkman -heh!-, after my obnoxious ass ran a text race with him all the way up. We had passed some really beautiful countryside, but uh, we wouldn't know it until the next quotes day. However, there was some beautiful decor in Eric's living room, which we noticed immediately upon our arrival. I was thinking up; you're missing out! But I said: Nice to meet you Princess Cat! Sissy! AWTM! Bou and Bou sis! (And this list, to be complete, must include the ever patient Straight White Wife and Tammi, who arrived on the scene later.) I am so not used to having so many women around at blogmeets to temper the testosterone factor.