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posted by pedro on November 13, 2005 12:14 PM Dear, do your edward norton own math, and I suspect you will find that I am not as far to "the left" as you say, nor are you as far to "the right" as you like to think. When fundamental principles collide with specific cases, I suspect you edward norton will find the world a much different place than when you view it through your edward norton usual lenses. Think about it. posted by Jack on November 13, 2005 07:52 PM [I]No cat, you are demanding that someone else do something you were not willing to do. As I point out, the surgeons are doing it for free, the hospital needs to get paid. [/i] Actually, I'm suggesting that the surgeons were educated partially at my expense (are you going to pretend that public and private universities are self-sustaining based upon tuition fees?) Most Hospitals also receive beaucoup tax dollars, as well.