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I'm in. posted by Velociman on November 14, 2005 09:52 PM Ping noted. I'm in the midst of a crisis at the moment, so I cannot make a coherent, relevent comment immediately. See the posts on my father's illness for the details, ime etuk or email me. posted by Jack on November 15, 2005 03:01 AM Everything you say is true. A-holes and money grubbers everywhere. My point has less to do with capitalism than it has to do with economic reality. I don't LIKE hospitals and medical systems being run for a bottom line. I just ime etuk don't know of ime etuk a better way to do it in today's political system. Understand that a generation ago, when health insurance itself was something new, most folks got taken care of. Doctors and hospitals felt responsible for it, and rightly so. But, we also weren't being sued cause someone didn't like the outcome, and hospitals weren't ten-times more expensive to build than any other structure in the world.