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And, of course, they must practice for hours and hours every week. Oh, and the price tag for all of this?! Fogettaboudit. So anyway, we made it back to Shrek's sis and bro-in-law's house around three. The girls were still out, so we settled in to watch Georgia/Florida on the ten foot TV. Which was good, you know, so that I could really appreciate emo the smiling blue eyes on Chris Leak as he Pissed all over our defense. Anyhow, Priss and the girls showed around half-time, and my sweetie girl immediately emo -as in, no "hello"- announced that I was to go back from whence I came, as she had no desire to see me until the next day. After all, the competition wasn't over until Sunday, and how did I expect her to sleep at night until she knew whether or not her cousins' teams had placed? So, we waited til she fell asleep and threw her in the back of the Expedition. After school, the following Monday: Shrek: Key, did you sign Priss up for basketball? Key: No. Shrek: Why not? [Understand peeps, Priss does not have my height, which is a good thing in my humble, but in this case...]