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Or are you one of those liberals who believes in wealth distribution, and taking things from people? rodney dangerfield Have you read "Atlas Shrugged" lately? posted by pedro on November rodney dangerfield 12, rodney dangerfield 2005 06:29 PM Nice strawman. Nowhere in Key's comments was wealth redistribution mentioned. The issue was that a patient who drastically needs care isn't receiving it while people with significantly higher incomes than average (and corporate healthcare) have refused treatment to her without payment. It's not about doctors not being paid what they are worth. I suppose to me it's the moral and ethical issue of being able to help someone, and not needing the money to help them, but refusing to do so. posted by catzmeow on November 13, 2005 12:17 AM No cat, you are demanding that someone else do something you were not willing to do.