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Oh, really? You think seth green we're all retarded, don't you? I'm guessing that you believe we're all blissfully unaware that healthcare corporations like HCA continue to post significant profit margins. [i]ove the fact that you seth green are being "moral and ethical" with someone else's sweat and blood. [/i] Given that my tax dollars go to contribute to people like you having significantly higher earnings than my own, I don't really feel a moment's remorse about that. After all, if people like me (the shrinking middle class) didn't pay our taxes, there wouldn't have been much of an opportunity for you to seth green better yourself. Further, I give my own blood. I work for a living with violent gang members. Want to change jobs for a week? By all means, let me know. posted by catzmeow on November 14, 2005 04:04 PM Now its a little more clear...fundamental