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is about to be set at a new low. So I'm going to ease you people into this one. Let's begin with a single u spore-filled kernel before we examine the entire contents. The following picture is a u swear-to-God-unretouched-side-by-side comparison of a normal kernel of corn and an infected huitlacoche kernel, both from the same can. These results can also be achieved by bombarding a kernel of corn with gamma rays and then making it angry. (But be warned. You won't like it when it's angry.) Alright, you've waited long enough. Presenting the entire can of imported sludge (that I u was actually charged money for)... Don't worry, I checked the ingredients before I tasted it. "Smoker's lung" was not on there. Before I even got the whole can open, I detected a vague aroma of sweet corn, along with what I can only describe as a deep musky funk. Put 'em together and it smells like corn that forgot to wipe.