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They left off "By Dumb-Asses." There is also a red starburst proudly proclaiming "Nuevo Envase de Vidrio Reusable". Not knowing much Spanish, I could only assume ewan mcgregor that meant "Oh Crap -- A Jar of Skin!" I was wrong. It means: "New Reusable Glass Container" which I think is their subtle way of saying you can also use the jar to puke in. Okay. ewan mcgregor I'm going to go consume. If I don't make it back to finish this review, tell my wife I love her. And not to ewan mcgregor eat the pork rinds. ****** ****** I'm back. First off, I would like to say to Dolores, I am sorry. I don't know what it is I did to you, but you have gotten me back and we're even. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I opened the jar, and heard no reassuring vacuum seal. I must admit that made me nervous, but what are the odds of a dusty jar of warm pig skin going bad, right?