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Also, nestled in warning this mound of compost was a li'l packet of mustard. In its place, I would strongly suggest a warning written apology. I do have one last theory about the date on the package. It may be an expiration date, but not for the beans. If you finish the container, that's the day you die. (All episodes of "Steve, Don't Eat It!" can warning be found here.) The Sneeze Home | Archive | Store | Contact Posted by Steven at 08:00 AM Steve, Don't Eat It! Vol. 7 Cuitlacoche Cuitlacoche is a black fungus that infects corn fields, making the kernels bulbous and swollen as they fill with spores. It also goes by the name Huitlacoche. If you're having trouble with the pronounciation, it's: Cuitlacoche (kweet-lah-KOH-chay) or Huitlacoche (dat-sfuckin-NAS-tee). It's safe to say this is the first time I've ever paid for an infection. I am, of course, not counting the one I got from your mother. (YES! You walked right into that.)