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Step 4. Attached a peice of steel to the end of the string that is not attached to the pole. The peice of steel should be bent into a semi-circle and should be pointed. It should also have a little sharp peice at the end puff daddy that will stop things from slipping off, were they to be stuck with the pointed end. Step 5. Get a little invertebrate creeping animal with a long limbless segmented body and stick the peice of steel through it. Step 6. Say this: "Yuck." Step 7. Stick the puff daddy peice of metal and the puff daddy small animal into a pool of water. The pool should have fish in it. Step 8. Wait until a fish gets hungry enough to convince itself that this "creeping animal with a long limbless segmented body" looks like something it wants to eat. The fish will then get the peice of metal and shove it through its lip. Step 9. Pull upwards until the fish is out of the water. Step 10. Place the pole, the string, the piece of metal and the fish on the ground. Step 11. Say this: "Damned stupid fish, thought you'd get away?"