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The "elemental" fish drew back the fluid in its guills, game found it's strength outstanding and proceeded game to explode. Some things are just not ment to be contained, game even by FISH ! *--- Note slight altrication in chapter order. ---* CHAPTER 36 Alexander the Great and fish Alexander the great started his march into Persia in 334 BC. This is what he did.: He kicked Darius's ass. He beat him everywhere he went. He went through what is now Turkey and the Isreal. Then he went through Eqypt. Then he went west and ended up at India. No one could beat Alexander the Great, no one. And then he made a mistake. He fought the fish, and lost. The fish killed Alexander the great damn it! And I don't think it stops at him. Those damned fucking fish! CHAPTER 37 In the park we did some fish One day, me and a bunch of my friends decided to go to a park and "do some fish". By "do some fish" I do not mean that we intended to stick our penis's up the fish (for not all of us had penis's. For you see, some of "us" were woman) We intended to smoke the fish and get a buzz.