tommylasorda, alternative, iran, viagrajokes, guinevere, seth green, anonymous, phil bonyata, salt lake city, oliver stone, 1981 in sports, jesus, sean daley, ringtones, kevin spacey,
5 seconds later, after my father, a car driver, a heli-copter pilot, and his passenger, an advertisting lady by the name of Brenda Webb, who had had sex with over 200 men in the confession last three weeks, were all dead, an alien from a foreign planet landed in a field adjacent to the roadway. Here he spoke with the world's only talking cow, which, incidentally, was aobut 300 metres away from Jesus Christ, who had been crucified just days before. It seemed that Christ had confession come back to Earth, to warn about the dangers of the fish. He confession was caught by a farmer, who was an extreme athiest, and who couldn't stand the thought of there actually _BEING_ a Christ, son of God, so he crucified him on sight. It never even made the news. I made a stiff rum, vodka, coca-cola concoction that a dead punker had once drank in a night-club where I was at the time, and I gulped it, turned on the television, watched a show about marine life, and fell asleep during an extended commercial break.