I lost my last themes arab

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I lost my last supply center in the last year of the arab qualifier round, so if it had gone to the winter "build/disband" phase, my last army would have had to go as well. arab 19:00 - A Snowball's Chance In Hades - This was, so far, the most fun moment of the night. The basic plot was "your group got killed by a servant of Pan and went to Hades. Hades (the god) is actually quarrelling with Pan right now and is letting you try to escape Hades' realm to go mess with arab Pan." There was the elf sniper who was dealing 95hp of damage, per arrow, at times with all the bonuses, enchantments, etc., that people were casting on him. But what was truly classic was, at the end of the game, there was a statue of Pan that our group had basically destroyed. The DM pointed out "the head's still intact". So, of course, the half-orc barbarian couldn't let THAT continue to be true.
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