I drew Germany. I dorian harewood pics

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I drew Germany. I convinced both England and Italy to join me in repeating the "assassination of France" I'd witnessed in Thursday morning's game, but managed to completely bone pics my orders because I was half-asleep and pics made a dumb mistake. Then, three seasons later, I made another such mistake. As we got near the end, one of the judges came over and asked, "You boned two orders in the first two years, and you're in that good pics a position? Wow, that's impressive." I ended up finishing Fall '05 with 8 centers, having roughly divided the world in half with Austria-Hungary. Friday, 5:00 p.m. 1A: The Hamlet Of Thumble - Ed Cha, of Open World Press, DM'ed a group of us through his new module (available at GenCon now, in stores soon). We played a party of first-level kobolds trying to terrorize a village of halflings. Of course, we only just barely got to the village, and we had to contend with a player who obviously didn't play a thief that often so he kept making silly mistakes (or just didn't do anything).
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