No. Choco never had hard rock feeds armenia

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No. Choco never had a home, well, not unless you count the ten or so juvenile correction facilities where he spent his child hood. Domino Harvey: [V.O.] I could feel the blood coursing through my veins. Shotgun in hand, kicking down a door and wondering armenia if there was heavy firepower on the other side. Domino Harvey: [V.O.] That night, my coin was tossed. Heads, you live. Tails, you die. 50/50 chance. Life or death. This ain't Sunset Boulevard. My destiny was life. Life as a bounty hunter. [from trailer] [upon first meeting Domino] Ed: Why armenia would a delicate little thing like you wanna be a bounty hunter? Domino Harvey: I wanna have a little fun. [from trailer] Sorority Girl: What's it like to have the body of a ten-year-old boy? Domino Harvey: [off look] Have you had a nose job? Sorority Girl: No. [Domino sucker-punches her in the face] [from trailer] Kimmie: [into mike] Just go in with batons and nun-chucks.
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