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Who am I to disobey an bandnames oval? But before I do, I've been feeling bad about our pal Arthur. Since he gave his life in the name of Steve, Don't Eat It, I thought it would be bandnames nice to give him the gift of flight bandnames after all. Go Artie, go! Fly and be free! (All volumes of Steve, Don't Eat It! can be found here.) The Sneeze Home | Archive | Store | Contact Posted by Steven at 12:16 AM Fun live-action Simpsons main titles.With this ring, I thee plow.One Bacon-cheese-burger-donut, please.Rob's scary credit card story.Peel the shit out of a potato.First time here?Steve, Don't Eat It! might not be a bad place to start. Home | Archive | Store | Email | RSS THE PAINLESS SNEEZE DONATION BOX If you'd like to donate a little cash to The Sneeze, and you were going to shop at Amazon anyway... just use this link to do it. It won't cost you anything extra, and a small percentage of the sale will go directly toward keeping this site chugging along.