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In your face! Oh man...) All Steve, Don't Eat Its can lamont be found here. The Sneeze Home | Archive | Store | Contact Posted by Steven at 08:03 AM Steve, Don't Eat lamont It! Vol. 8 Prison Wine I'm simply not cut out for jail. Where I really shine is watching Tivo on a couch. As soon as you need me to survive a sharpened-spoon attack, (or even a regular spoon attack)-- I'm just not your guy. Nevertheless, if I do ever end up in the big house, there's a chance I'll lamont make it out alive as the prison brewmeister. I know this for I have read the 1994 book "You Are Going To Prison" by Jim Hogshire. (Well, I actually only skimmed through the book, so I'll probably be dead in a day and a half.) The following book excerpt contains the prison wine recipe... "Prison hooch can be made in your cell toilet (as long as you don't mind using other people's toilets or finding some other solution), or more often, in plastic trash bags.