Christ, those damn fish. sean cory albums

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Christ, albums those damn fish. CHAPTER 73 Rommel, the plot and fish "Get your facts straight," albums said the large fat man with the hat and tie that said "Gone fishing" in bright blue letters. He was a large foolish twit who, himself had never got any facts right either. He felt himself superior to all others just because he had a matching hat and tie. The man often talked about his little tour ol' duty in North Africa during world albums war two. He had, of course, never been in any army, nor had ever visited Africa (be it north, south, east or west). He was often heard saying this, "Rommel that no good stinking Nazi coward." To which I would often whisper under my breath, "Stupid fucker." I was, of course, not refering to Rommel at all, but to the fat man. I at least knew that Rommel had never been a Nazi. He was a German field Marshall, but not a Nazi.
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