Fucking assholes. This is me americanhistory x

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Fucking assholes. This is americanhistory x what I say to greenpeace "Who cries for Baldur." Of course, those shit heads in greenpeace don't fucking know dick so they have no idea what I said. I americanhistory x don't really care. Then all of a sudden, the fish blow up the world. Big fucking deal. CHAPTER 62 The Story, very breifly, of Baldur. Oddly enough, the fish cry for Balduer. The story of Baldur the Sun God is the only one that makes them cry. Baldur of coursae was a very americanhistory x happy guy, untill Loki thought it would be funny to throw dart made from misstle toe at him by the hand of a blind man. It make me cry. Then again, I'm a fish. And then the world blew up. Fuck that's important. What's on cable? CHAPTER 63 A bit more on Baldur Baldur was the beloved of the gods. Baldur was all that was pure. The fates had clearly stated that the death of Baldur would spark the beginning of the great flame that would be Ragnorok, the final battle.
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