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The poor sod couldn't have been further from the truth. That is not how hard rock news the world is going to hard rock news end at all. It would seem that Sodom Gomorrah XXVI was little more than a drunken sod hard rock news like me. It would seem that Gomorrah liked to do nothing more than masturbate alot, and apparently an analyst of his once wrote about him; the analyst's name was Grundy. Biff Grundy. Grundy had this to say about Gomorrah: "Sodom Gomorrah XXVI, considered to be one of the most absurd, and prolific essayists of the past century, is nothing more than a hoax. It seems that Mr. Gomorrah liked to hit random keys on his typewriter, a specially manufactured piece of machinery, which was set to include 3 E's, and 2 of each other vowel, as well as 2 S's, and T's, and all other common consonants.