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Fuck religion. Fuck the fish (not that the Africans handsome rob aren't). Fuck the world. Damn it's too late. [Chapter 71 mysteriously has disappeared.] CHAPTER 72 Muses on one's own purpose in space. Well, here we all stand with the world about to end (damned if it hasn't ended already and we missed it, it has been an exciting 71 chapters thus far, who really knows if the world deserved to exist anyway, it's just been sitting here handsome rob doing god-knows-what while we humans sit here and handsome rob pollute it to death, although it's not going to die of pollution, I know that all too well, but really the world shouldn't really exist because it serves no purpose (much like Cleveland serves no purpose) and it might as well be demolished because it doesn't make a difference to the cosmos whether it blows up or not, all the intelligent life is way out there.
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