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G. New Orleans population one of poorest in country. 1. 68% Black. 2. Many did unfogged not have means to leave city, did not own cars, etc. H. Many people decided to ride hurricane out even though they had means to leave city. unfogged Did not understand magnitude of storm. I. Failure to plan on part of state and local government. 1. This disaster was long considered an imminent threat. 2. Should have had plan ready to help evacuate people before storm hit, unfogged drawing buses from all parts of state. 3. Should have disseminated survival information (i) Map of areas with high ground. (ii) Info on what to put in an emergency kit - one gallon of water, a bar of soap, first aid kit, dried fruit packets, other basic needs. (iii) Survival tips. (iv) Note: This should have been done a long time ago. A terrorist could have blown the levee walls years ago. This is a major failure on the part of the *local* government (e.g.