moroccian, russell means, howard fong, steve, everett quinton, television, dr. jennifer melfi, dialogue, woody harrelson, denis leary, nona gaye, libya, omani, stacey, party, boobies, tony danza, larry david, camelot, gabe jeffrey, berber,
[edit] "Criminal" The final track mirrors "Still Don't Give A Fuck" from The Slim Shady LP, beginning with Eminem talking: "A lot sumerian of people ask me...stupid fucking questions/A lot of people think that...what I say on records/Or what I talk about on a record, that I actually do in real life/Or that I believe in it/.../Well shit...if you believe that/Then I'll kill you/You know why? Cuz I'm sumerian a CRIMINAL!" The song then starts, featuring a fast-paced beat built over a sumerian frantic piano loop. Eminem delivers his lines rapidly, opening with, "My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge/That'll stab you in the head, whether you're a fag or lez/Or the homosex, hermpah or a trans-a-vest/Pants or dress - hate fags? The answer's 'yes.'" GLAAD frequently cited these lines as proof that Eminem was homophobic, though critics such as Robert Christgau have pointed out that the song is about words' power to cause pain.