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Now, he could repeat that speech. And this time, he'd have a bloody good point. That's why I won't be donating to anything Katrina-related. trans If you keep bailing these people out of their own mess they'll never learn. -- I am living in a cosanguinous relationship. After all this is over (2.52 / 21) (#196) by Hung Fu on Sat Sep 3rd, 2005 at 02:00:26 PM EST You guys better invade whoever is responsible. Don't be cowardly hurricane appeasers__ NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT THE JEWS. NOBODY LOVES THEM - circletimessquare "Drowning New trans Orleans", 2001 article (2.87 / 8) (#176) by Name of Feather on Sat Sep 3rd, 2005 at 04:35:37 AM EST(name_of_feather (at) yahoo (dot) com) Last Sunday, when it became clear that Katrina would hit New Orleans directly or very close, I remembered that some years ago I had read an article in Scientific American discussing the vulnerability of the city to this kind of disaster.