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The tree has always loomed over New Orleans, in the form of the Gulf of Mexico with its warm water and tendency to nurture hurricanes. In 1965 the house I grew up in had three feet of water kool kieth in it as Hurricane Betsy moved through. But I wasn't there then; my parents were in California, because my father's graduate fellowship kool kieth required him to do two years in the Navy. As I write this that house probably has four to eight feet of water in it. There are in fact kool kieth good reasons for people to live here; New Orleans exists because of a confluence of ground and water transportation routes and significant farming and seafood industries. But that doesn't mean there is a good reason for one point three million people to live here. Before modern sanitation, storm prediction, and indoor climate control existed New Orleans regularly lost thousands of inhabitants at a time to storms and epidemics. New Orleans has always been a city that creates much wealth, but in modern times we have forgotten that that wealth was once acquired at great cost.