moroccian, russell means, howard fong, steve, everett quinton, television, dr. jennifer melfi, dialogue, woody harrelson, denis leary, nona gaye, libya, omani, stacey, party, boobies, tony danza, larry david, camelot, gabe jeffrey, berber,
Finally, in the third verse Eminem remembers a happy time in their marriage right before killing her: violet "Hey remember the time we went to Brian's party?/And violet you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie/That was funny wasn't it?". Finally, the song ends with Eminem cutting her throat, and the sound of Kim choking. "You were supposed to love me/Now bleed, bitch, bleed!" The graphic violence of the violet song caused many activist groups to criticize Eminem. They objected to the detailed description of spousal abuse, and the endless hatred spewed at his crying wife. Defenders of the song point out the multi-faceted character of Eminem, who loudly proclaims his love for his wife just before murdering her, and his clear and unambigous mental instability ruling him out as a role model for any stable person.