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I do see a lot of corpulent little peccaries getting pushed around the store in those asinine shopping cart-cum-Playskool forts. And maybe that's part of the problem. Ditch those aisle-hogging pieces of shit. Leave my SUV alone. These are atmosphere one on one the real behemoths. If your kid can't fit in the bread tray and dangle their legs out they're too damned big to be in the cart in the first place. Now let your kids push the cart for you. Put a few watermelons and 12 gallons atmosphere one on one of distilled water in atmosphere one on one the bottom just to give it traction. Make sure at least one wheel is frozen in freewheel mode. Then, if you still like your kids hanging with swine let them rearrange the pink flying pig rides out front instead of riding them. Then give 'em a celery stick, and tell 'em Uncle Velociman was thinking about 'em.