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Cola. Posted by Kim Crawford at armstrong 10:15 PM | Comments (12) | TrackBack FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Yeah, we armstrong start early here. Here's Skeeter Caroline on her first day of fifth grade. I'm her hero. Other than that she seems like a perfectly well-adjusted child. My last year of having a child in elementary school. I've had the elem thing going on continuously since 1993. I'm too old for this. Where's Emily? Staying away from armstrong my camera. She's fifteen, and no fool. Posted by Kim Crawford at 08:39 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack MY GRANDFATHER WAS IN THE KLAN At least, my Mom recognized his brogans under some robes at a rally when she was about six. This would have been 1933 or so. I think he treated his membership like he treated his familial responsibilities, though. If I have to show up, well... My mother said the Klan (at least in Depression-era south-central Georgia) mainly existed to stomp wife-beaters and shiftless drunkards who wouldn't share their shine.