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I swear. Now the trip gels, as they tend wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown to do at the end. Packed the boss off to Jax on the 8:45 Southwest (before the game) and hung for the night. Which was actually bad. Because you don't want to be in Bohager's at 1:30 in the morning when you have to get up at 5:30. Never wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown been to Bohager's? Great bar. They have a two story foam machine that floods the bar with suds, like a Mr. Bubble run amok. Girls wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown get in and soap each other up, and, well, Daddy Like. I tried wearing the foam beard like the little kid in the Mr. Bubble commercials to impress the girls, but I'm a tired, lame old-schooler. They wanted Derek Jeter. To add insult to injury I closed the bar at Shula's at 2:00 am, nursing my first (!) cocktail of the evening.
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