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So what have I been doing with no Bloat? debi mazar Working on a new book. That Gallery of Regrettable Food did so well I thought I'd try a sequel. So keep your filthy-nailed Paypal fingers poised for The Gallery of Regrettable debi mazar Shits. That's right. Whenever I make a bad meal decision I'm gonna photograph the output, and share it with you. You'll be treated to El Toro undercooked pork spray shits, Thai cat debi mazar concrete ball shits, and Waffle House greaseball blood-flecked Transatlantic Pipeline shits. If my Gut Rumbled, you're gonna see it. Don't thank me. Buy the damned book. Took Mosquito to see that zombie movie 28 Days Later.... Scared the mortal piss out of her. That's an object lesson, I told when she'd stopped crying. If you do everything an adult tells you to do your life's gonna be one big downer. Taught her to drink out of the crapper today, too, just like my dog Cracker.