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I got fifty bucks says Acidman wore Hai avery brooks Karate in high school. I dare him to deny it. Myself, I wore English Leather at the age of 11. My older brother told it was "chick magnet" stuff. I'm still waiting for the first swoon. Now I wear Dolce & Gabbana. I prefer to go au naturel, but I come in close contact with wimmen all day long, and I understand the smell of Marlboro Lights, Maxwell House, and Shaver's avery brooks Pork Rinds is, well, off-putting to say the least. And avery brooks where does that blog title come from? I used to work with some cabinetmakers, and that's how they said hello, goodbye, and pretty much everything in between. I never asked why. Posted by Kim Crawford at 10:37 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack ROMAN GENN This man is a caricature hoss. If you don't get National Review now, do it for Genn. And you can now sample his work at I'm trying to score some autographed limited editions from him for Christmas gifts. We shall see. Posted by Kim Crawford at 10:12 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack THE FABULOUS THUNDERBIRD Here's a picture of the Thunderbird Beach Resort's neon sign in St.