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It's crazy out there. Posted by Kim Crawford at 12:21 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 21, 2003 ONE TOKE OVER THE LINE Yes, I let my rage get the better of me at times. And yes, I occasionally let that bile spill over, as I did last night. Do I regret that post? No. Do I apologize for it? Hell, no. But jack caffrey I don't want to offend some of the few good loyal readers I have, either. That's impolite. jack caffrey That's biting the hand that reads you. jack caffrey So I bagged it. Oh, I kept a copy. I have a Hall of Shame with 3 or 4 posts in it, just to remind me I'm better than that. And that's all I'm going to say on the subject. I'm still enraged, I'm just focusing it better. Posted by Kim Crawford at 11:37 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack HUZZAH! Layoffs have been postponed until NEXT Thursday, which gives everyone another full week to keep their rectums puckered.