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Those who knew me when have in all likelihood cringed at the thought that I would eventually get around to it. I'd considered it, but decided to do like the English of Olde did with pheasants, and leave it hanging in humor the sun humor for a few weeks until it got sweetly rancid. So here we go: Shorty was a diesel mechanic with a shop humor in Garden City near the old Traffic Circle. Basically a huge quonset hut where he worked on big rigs. He was about 4'11", and his right leg was about 4 inches shorter than his left. He told me once when I asked (kids always ask) that it had been cut off in a speedboat accident, and when it was sewn back on it was shorter. I believed that. I had no reason not to. Shorty had a gray crewcut, smoked a pipe, and was a wiry weatherbeaten little fucker when I knew him. His wife Sadie weighed in at about four hundie, and she was the snaggle-toothed salt of the earth. Their two girls were nice kids, their two boys were worthless fucking reprobates. So my Dad had befriended Shorty in one of those ways you don't care to explore.