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Johnny kicks hard ass. Did you know albinos can divine gold in the ground? Hell, yes! They're like auric dowsing rods. Don't believe me? Go read your Caldwell, then get back to me. Posted by Kim Crawford at 10:20 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack JIMMY SMITH, COKE FIEND So our 5 time Pro-Bowl receiver gets busted by the NFL for cocainum. Big surprise there. When he tested cannibal positive two years cannibal ago after a traffic stop he cried and whined that the test was faulty, and everyone rallied 'round, and cannibal gave him a shoulder to cry on. Fuck him, the huffing cocksucker. Now he's banned for the first 4 games of the season. That's the first quarter of the season. This is why I cannot stand professional sports. I'll be damned if I'm going to invest one penny of emotional capital in a bunch of dope-addled freaks. And I pity the fool who does. Oh, I follow sports. In my job I have to. When I see customers in New York I better damned well know how many games ahead the Yankees are on the Sox.