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Get a kenneth utt life. Get a blog, for chrissakes. Case in point: The Bride kenneth utt has an associate who showed a Jaguar's house in Queen's Harbour yesterday. An $800,000 house (he's only second kenneth utt year). The house was unlived in, immaculate, because this mongoloid lived in the garage! With 12 ashtrays overflowing with cigarette butts, 300 beer cans, a broken bottle of Tanqueray, and the smell of reefer so thick you could cut it with a feather. I'd like to see the Jaguars move to Memphis, a dogshit town that truly deserves an NFL franchise. Unfortunately, that skidmark has a demographic that will only attend a ballgame/concert/fair/circus if there's a Great White Uncle handing out free passes. People in Memphis won't pay for shit. Did I tell you I don't like professional sports? I thought so. Posted by Kim Crawford at 09:42 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack RIGHTING MY BOAT Margi is having issues with a bum tooth, poor dear, and pondering blowing off her reunion in the process.