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Our leading lady for Whirlpool is Jana Cilliers our own. She is being advertised as "SUPERBITCH" "The Daily hilarious News" dated March 17, 1989. Would the British people be happier if another upstart changed Rushdie's "MAGGIE THE BITCH" to "Maggie the Superbitch!"?? THE QUEEN NOT SPARED I was born British. I still cherish a British passport over 60 years old. I don't know what's its hilarious worth. English has become my hilarious mother tongue. I dream in English and I also swear in English. I have visited Britain a dozen times. More than once I was tempted to visit the Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London, enjoying the many passionate and vehement harangues. It's free for all. One is allowed to curse, abuse and swear anybody and everybody. The law of libel and defamation does not apply in this haven of free speech and un-bridled expressions. Yet I am told that Her Majesty the Queen of England is above any abuse or tirade. She is sacrosanct! Not only in Hyde Park but throughout Britain either by word of mouth or through the media, "Thou shalt not denigrate the queen".