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If you, the reader have petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official come thus far, you might as petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official well go the whole hog. Finish this book! SELECTIVE SENSITIVITY Everyone in the West, British and American, giants of the literary world, are not impervious to sacrilege, insults and profanities as contained in "The Satanic Verses." Roald Dahl, a British author and member of the Literary Guild had some pertinent remarks as reproduced here from "The Daily petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official News" dated March 1st, 1989. THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1,1989 Rushdie LONDON: Author Roald Dahl has launched an extraordinary attack on fellow writer Salman Rushdie, calling him a "dangerous opportunist". In a letter to yesterday's Times newspaper, the world renowned author of children's books said: 'Clearly he has profound knowledge of the Muslim religion and its people, and he must have been totally aware of the deep and violent feelings his book would stir up among devout Muslims "in other words he knew exactly what he was doing and he cannot plead otherwise."