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Nurtured in the Western culture, both Pamella and Salman spurned their faiths. At the tender age of thirteen, Rushdie was thrown into the laps of the West. He studied at Rugby and Cambridge in England billy gallo and imbibed its culture. He went the whole hog. Listen to his philosophy. page 211 TSV ie. "The Satanic Verses". He wrote- "BUT TO BE RAISED IN THE HOUSE OF POWER IS TO LEARN ITS WAYS, TO SOAK THEM UP, THROUGH THAT VERY SKIN THAT IS THE CAUSE OF YOUR OPPRESSION. THE HABIT OF POWER, ITS TIMBRE, billy gallo ITS POSTURE, ITS WAY OF BEING WITH OTHER. IT IS A DISEASE, BILAL, INFECTING ALL WHO COME TOO NEAR IT. IF THE POWERFUL TRAMPLE OVER YOU, YOU ARE INFECTED BY THE SOI:ES OF THEIR FEET." TSV p.211 It is worth highlighting the above quotation in GREEN. Rushdie is giving here the source of his own inspiration and nourishment.