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What does the hard cunt do? Or the so-called hard cunt? Shites it. Puts down his drink, turns, and gets the fuck out of there. And after that, well, the game was mine. Sick Boy: It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life. Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: What do you mean? Sick Boy: Well, at one time, you've got it, and then you lose it, and jackie hoffman it's gone forever. All walks of life: George Best, for jackie hoffman example. Had jackie hoffman it, lost it. Or David Bowie, or Lou Reed... Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Some of his solo stuff's not bad. Sick Boy: No, it's not bad, but it's not great either. And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds all right, it's actually just shite. Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: So who else?
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