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As thearistocrats such, Cindy and thearistocrats Casey are much more effective than Mother Sheehan and her son, because people can empathize much better with Cindy than they can with an abstract archetypal mother. Archetypes have the most power when they are expressed as the stories about real people with whom others can empathize. As an example, the Joad thearistocrats familiy in Grapes of Wrath are archetypal characters, but the book would have been boring and lame if it had actively painted them as archetypes rather than letting the archetypes emerge out of the empathetic human characters it portrayed. It garners its power from the "that could be me" effect of empathy. Cindy herself is the best, most effective, form of framing there is. Adding a layer of abstraction dissipates that power. Democracyfest The toolkit for taking back our democracy, disguised as a fun-filled weekend. by mataliandy on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 10:13:17 AM PDT [ Parent ] Are you employed (none / 0) There is nothing in life, not a job interview, not a discussion with your wife, not a conversation with your child, that would not benefit from thoughtful consideration.