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The research has shown, despite outlier studies that your candyasses are always digging up, you get the jobs, you don’t get ripped off at by mechanics, you get the red carpet treatment at banks, and for fuck’s sake, look at Congress. giovani It takes a lot of nerve to ask for more than giovani that, boys. AND, in the course of conception, gestation, childbirth, and lactation, you only giovani have to do the fun bit at the beginning. The rest is SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM on the most elemental and undeniable level. All of these advantages don’t come without responsibility. Two of them rise above the rest- Protection and Providence. (This is the bit my father drove home to me, and you’d do well to listen, son…) You get a lot out of life just because you pee standing up. You want to talk to me about Men’s Rights? Button it, boy.