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Comments (2) doe ray me lyrics Friday, March 10th 2006 The Elephant in the doe ray me lyrics Men’s Movement Living Room posted @ 11:00 am in [ what's wrong with people? - Wingnuts - Republic of Gilead ] I think that the most fascinating thing about the Men’s Movement is that it’s a lot like alcoholism. The elephant in the living room is that these Manly Men are trying to shed the traditional roles of masculinity doe ray me lyrics while beating their chests about what studs they are and how feminism seeks to emasculate them. Additionally, to further stretch the analogy, they all seem to be enabling each other. “Jim? He’s not an alcoholic. He just drinks a little too much.” To whit, witness Running Scared’s blinkered defense of the Manly Men: Shakespeare’s Sister said: Of course, the flip side of this coin, which is left out of the article, is that men’s rights advocates also believe if a woman doesn’t want the child, she should be forced to be responsible to carry it to term at the man’s wishes.