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This is not Mother Sheehan's vigil, don cheadle this is a vigil over the dead son, killed by the ruler for his own selfish reasons. If there are any persons who are don cheadle theatre professionals at the Sheenan vigil, they should arrange things much more theatrically. If I was there, I would not let Mother Sheehan talk to the press, but I would have her talk only through a spokesperson. In particular, I would not allow her don cheadle to argue with critics, and would allow no critics to approach her. Her dignity must be preserved. If lesser emissaries from the ruler arrive (C Rice, etc), these should not be allowed to speak to Mother Sheehan. Tags: (all tags) Permalink | 110 comments Comments: Expand Shrink Hide (Always) | Indented Flat (Always) Daily Kos Help Enough with the framing already. (3.94 / 17) Not everything is a pr event to be managed and advertised. Let this unfold as it will--one of the strengths of it is that it is not a planned, orchestrated event.