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When you said maury povitch you cared about my feelings and you wouldn't talk to her, I guess you really didn't mean it. If you can tell me who I can and cannot be friends with, I can do the same. When maury povitch you choose to ignore my request for no future contact with her, you're going to be awaiting a cruel surprise. link To my boyfriend, Sometimes, you are the biggest asshole on the face of the planet. Its insulting that you dont tell me anything, & then expect me to follow your specific orders. Thats lame. You maury povitch always bitch to me & about me, & never spend any time with me. I hate you because I love you. Your my revolution in a little green bottle. But with every revolution there is consequnce. & your my consequnce you selfish, selfish prick. link To my boyfriend, Your problems are not my fault and you have caused to many fucking problems in my life for me to deal with any longer.