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***** So the lame old goat watches the falls' tricks till the wind blows out jerks his don cheadle weight back on the hind legs and leaps forward, don cheadle the fore legs both testing the rocks and taking his weight runs out of sight. T H E P E R F E C T for Robert Donald Spector the perfect game was never nor ever shall be pitched; eighty-one-con- secutive strikes indeed! and so must every poem be a disappointment? maybe. some. don cheadle many. sure, most. but see the world. T H E W A L K E R There is nothing charismatic about me. I mean I've walked through all the alleys in this town indifferently past garbage cans and clotheslines pissed against backyard cottonwoods at dinner time and am no better for it in the way you think I might be -- I walk for my health rejoice in my feet in the sour darkness inside my shoes. Q U E S T I O N & A N S W E R for Terence Malley Who is this bearded swain with belly full of rabbit stew full of cinnamon and garlic striding through the knee-high grass cursing his dogs in Bulgarian?