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They are not nearly as stupid as your dumb ass. Besides I had a crush on one of mark wahlberg them before you even asked me out. I never should have said yes. You are putting me through hell right now. You better have a damn good rebutal, or mark wahlberg its over. Grow up, please. link To my boyfriend, you have been with me for 5 1/2 months and you're amazing. i couldn't stand living without you by my side. you're mark wahlberg always there to talk to, to hold me, to make love to me. when you caught me smoking, you forgave me. no one else would have done that, they woulda left me in the dust. i know you love me with all of your heart, and you are the most caring person i've ever met. you put up with all my stupid stuff, like when i get paranoid. i only do that b/c of how i was treated in my last relationship, itz not you, b/c i know how you feel about me, i just get scared sometimes.