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For 2 years I helped you through some of your toughest problems. I paid your bail-that set me back $3,500, pacino I got you pacino out of jail again, that was another $500. I swear on my dead mother's grave if you ever end up there again, you will rot there. You treated me like shit for too pacino long now and I don't deserve it. All I ever wanted was for someone to love me. I thought I had that with you. But too many times you've lied and cheated. You'd get mad if you couldn't get high and take it out on me calling a fucking stupid bitch. I never once cursed at you or called you any names. I took care of your kids when they were sick. In fact, now that I'm reading this I realized I gave & gave and all you did was take & take until there was no more to take. The really horrible thing is I still fucking love you, but you're not capable of returning such love. You know I have lupus and you know how much pain I'm in 24/7 and you don't help me with any of the housework, I have to do it all on my own.